Designing Pools and Beautiful Outdoor Spaces: A Pool Blog

Why Vinyl is the Best Choice for Your Swimming Pool

Owning a swimming pool is something that many people dream about, but it needn't just be a dream.  With so many different options available, having your own pool constructed is now more affordable than ever, and if a below-ground pool is what you have your heart set on, then protecting it with vinyl liner is one of those affordable options.  Compared to fibreglass and tiling, it has many advantages for the buyer.  In fact, you may wish to line your existing pool with vinyl in order to improve it. 


Vinyl doesn't degrade like tiles do.  In fact, its entire purpose is durability, so your printed tile design will remain clear and impressive where real tiles may have chipped away or lost their sheen.  Because it's more flexible than fibreglass, high-quality vinyl also can't break as easily; it's reluctant to tear.

Easy Repairs

In the rare event that your vinyl liner does break, it's extremely easy and affordable to have it repaired.  Specialist companies can patch up the liner in no time, so you won't even have to purchase a whole new one.  Compare that to tiling, which may need to be completely redone, or fibreglass, which may even need to be replaced entirely.  Not only do these two materials cost more to fix, but they take longer too.  When the weather is at it's hottest, you'll be thankful for that speed.


Vinyl intended for use in swimming pools is often printed with traditional tile designs, so you don't need to sacrifice that pretty blue-tile look in order to reap the benefits of vinyl liners.  They come in a variety of patterns to recreate different tile sizes and colours, so you'll have almost as much choice as you would if you were picking out real tiles.


It's much easier to effectively clean vinyl than tiling or fibreglass.  There are no cracks for dirt to get into, and no textured surfaces for grime to cling to; it's simple, smooth and easy to hose off or treat with chemicals.

In essence, by choosing vinyl you're making pool ownership easier as well as cheaper, which is why so many customers are opting for it.  Gone are the days of scraping away at tiles in an effort to keep them clean, or draining your pool for long lengths of time in order to dry out and patch up your fibreglass.  Instead, vinyl is functional as well as good looking, and it just makes sense.  Happy swimming!

For more information, talk to a company like Atlantis Pools.
